Home > School & Community Sets > Storage Carry Bags for 15 Primary Djembe Drums (Wide Top)
Product Code: CP-ADBAp15-w

Storage Carry Bags for 15 Primary Djembe Drums (Wide Top)

£287.00 exc VAT

£344.40 inc VAT

RRP £315.70 exc VAT

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(discount from normal website prices included in price)

  • Stock: 10

This set contains the following items:

Product Quantity

1x Storage Carry Bag for 5 x 35cm Djembe Drums


1x Storage Carry Bag for 5 x 40cm Djembe Drums


3x Storage Carry Bag for a 50cm Djembe Drum


1x Storage Carry Bag for a 40cm Djembe Drum


2x Storage Carry Bag for a 35cm Djembe Drum


These heavy duty nylon bags are all you need to house our ‘West African Drumming – Primary – 15 Djembe Drum (Wide Top) Pack’ or ‘West African Drumming – Primary – 30 Player Class Pack – Buddies’ (each of which contain the same set of 15 djembes). The storage bags are neat, tidy and will save you lots of space as well as protecting the instruments and prolonging their lives. The many handles and straps make it very easy to move the bags around.

Amazon do a very neat little trolley that works really well with our bigger storage bags.

Here are links to other selections you may find useful:

  • AD-BAdj40-Storage-Carry-Bag-for-a-40cm-Djembe-Drum-Hero
  • AD-BAdj50-Storage-Carry-Bag-for-a-50cm-Djembe-Drum-main

Product Information

What's included

Please note that for reasons of stock availability we may need to make the occasional substitution of the more minor pack components. If so, we’ll always ensure suitability/equivalence and we’ll always clear any significant changes with you in advance.


We use the best quality materials and traditional manufacturing methods to make our West African Drumming instruments and accessories and they’re designed for serious, long term use in the classroom. Looked after properly the instruments will give many years of satisfaction, even if used several times a day and the materials and workmanship are guaranteed as follows:

Djembe and other drum shells – 10 years. But keep at a stable temperature and humidity and don’t let the shells get damp or wet. Don’t leave in direct sunlight or near a heat source as this can cause the wood to dry out and crack. Although they’re naturally tough, handle with respect and don’t drop them or throw them about as rough treatment can also cause cracks to appear.

Drum skins -5 years. But keep hard or sharp points (including rings and other jewellery) away from drum skins at all times. Keep skins dry and don’t leave in direct sunlight or near a heat source as this can cause the skin to dry out and split. If you need to tighten the drum skins, be sure not to over do it as over-tightening can also cause skins to split.

Hand percussion instruments – 1 year. But treat with care and don’t drop them or handle roughly as natural materials are not as strong as plastics and may crack or break, particularly if dropped on a hard surface.

Storage/carry bags and accessories – 2 years. But keep bags away from sharp points and don’t over-fill them or force the zips.

If you should get any problems with any of our African Drumming instruments or accessories, please take photos of the issues and email them to us with the order/invoice number and a brief description of how the problem arose and we’ll get back to you right away.


We work with a small number of specialist logistic companies to deliver your order quickly and economically. The delivery method varies, depending on your location and the size of the order, as follows:

UK Locations

Orders up to 5kg – Courier 2 to 3 working day delivery. This would typically include books, smaller instruments, percussion baskets and djembes up to 40cm.

Orders over 5kg – Courier, next working day delivery. Most orders are sent this way.

Large orders – Pallet service, 3 to 5 working day delivery. Used for large orders and those with more fragile contents.

Please note:

  1. Above timings are from dispatch date. Time from placing your order will usually be one or two days longer, depending on the order and destination.
  2. Delivery to offshore or Highland addresses may take longer and may cost more than to UK mainland addresses and we’ll quote and agree the costs with you in advance. Please note that in these cases it’s fine to go ahead and place your order, and there’s no obligation on your part until the delivery costs have been quoted and accepted by you.
  3. For some destinations, where a courier service isn’t available, we may send by Royal Mail instead.

International Locations

Orders weighing less than 1kg and not too bulky – Post Office Airmail. This would include books and smaller percussion instruments.

Orders weighing more than about 1kg and large orders – international courier or pallet service. We’ll obtain competitive quotes and agree these with you in advance.

Please note that it’s fine to go ahead and place your international order prior to confirming shipping costs, and that there’s no obligation on your part until the delivery costs have been quoted and accepted by you. Payment for international orders, including shipping costs, is required before dispatch of the goods.


Please let us know straight away if anything arrives damaged or otherwise in a substandard condition and we’ll be happy to replace it, refund the cost or provide you with an alternative product to your satisfaction. Speed is of the essence here as most courier companies will only accept responsibility for damage in transit if the damage is reported within 24 hours of delivery.

 In the event of damage, please take photographs, including any damage to the packaging, and email these to us ASAP.

Similarly, if an instrument  develops a fault within 12 months of purchase in the course of normal use (though excluding fair wear and tear), please let us know, and we’ll replace it or refund the cost. It’s also very helpful for us to see photos of the issue as this gives us solid information for changing the design, the production method or the packing materials.

But please do contact us before returning any damaged or substandard items. Once we’ve approved their return, please send to:  Drums for Schools Limited, 21 Shaftesbury Avenue, Burton Joyce NG14 5GL 

We really appreciate your feedback in the case of faults (or if you think an instrument could be improved in any way) and we take all such feedback very seriously indeed.

The world’s most famous and popular language is music.


The kids absolutely love drumming and has built confidence and put smiles on faces which is fantastic!

Joanne Skinner
Wikidz Workshops

Everything was fabulous!

Natalie Swearman
Coppice School

I have received my order and am very happy with the drums and other percussion instruments. I was impressed by the lightness of the drums. This made them ideal for the students I work with.

Sally Mack

We are extremely pleased with the quality and sound of the drums. We have already started to use them in our workshops and the children get great pleasure out of them.

Lisa Bellamy
Grange Primary School