Home > Teaching Resources > World Percussion – A KS1 Scheme of Work Resource
Product Code: TS-SoW-WP-P

World Percussion – A KS1 Scheme of Work Resource

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  • Six individual lesson plans and accompanying slide show
  • Suitable for any beginner group, whatever the age range of the players
  • Overview includes Objectives, Content of each lesson, Keywords, Resources Required and Expected Outcomes
  • Lesson plans include Objectives, Outcomes, Warm-ups and/or Starters, Main Activities, Plenaries and Performance Opportunities
  • Written and compiled by Dr Elizabeth Stafford, from Music Education Solutions®
  • Free PDF downloads

Here are links to other selections you may find useful:

This World Percussion KS1 Scheme of Work is subdivided into six lessons, each with Objectives, Outcomes, Warm-ups and/or Starters, Main Activities, Plenaries and Performance Opportunities and although written for KS1, can be adapted for any beginner group.

You can find the accompanying slide presentation here

We recommend that you read through the content entirely before teaching so that you know the intended long term outcome of the lessons. This will allow you to adjust the content for your group effectively to ensure that learning remains high and interest is retained, even if it means reducing the content. At the heart of these lessons we are essentially aiming to give students performance skills and a musical and social awareness that will allow them to make more music in the future by performing with others in a group.

When teaching whole class ensemble playing, it’s important to have high quality instruments that are designed for the classroom, but it’s also vital to have the right teaching support: support that enables you to deliver authentic and engaging World Music lessons, which keep everyone involved and that everyone enjoys. Our teaching support gives you just that and is suitable both for class teachers who have no prior music experience, and for music specialists and includes “how to play” videos showing basic techniques, audio tracks demonstrating the examples and pieces covered, schemes of work and lesson plans and useful cultural and other background articles.

The Scheme of Work can be downloaded or viewed as a flipbook.

These products work well with "World Percussion – A KS1 Scheme of Work Resource"

Everything was fabulous!

Natalie Swearman
Coppice School

Everything arrived safely and my son is thrilled with his nursery starter kit and has had many hours of fun with it!

Joules Roach
Patch of Sand
I’m very pleased with the entire order and delivery process, and the product itself.  Couldn’t be happier!
Ed Summerell

Excellent for classroom use, this selection allows a core group to take a lead with the melodies whilst the rest of the group support using various hand percussion instruments.

Richard McKerron

The book that come with this set will show you how to add hand percussion to any ensemble – not just to African Drumming. Extensive online audio and video support is included.

Richard McKerron