Home > World Music > WIF – Nursery Rhythm Kit download
Product Code: TS-wifnrk-d

WIF – Nursery Rhythm Kit download

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With older years, the restriction and removal of pitch choice will force them to consider rhythm in exciting and interesting new ways.

Richard McKerron

Safely received, thanks!

Don Topley

Brill, all good as usual, many thanks!

Paul Morris
Thame CMHT (RNU) Oxford Health

Caribbean Steel Pan Music on the Jumbie Jam is an easy teach as well as play. Pupils will soon be able to play traditional tunes make music as part of an ensemble. With the introduction of some class percussion and using the Percussion Buddies method many more pupils are able to take part in the music making.

Andy Gleadhill

A full class set with the Budget Buddies hand percussion additions provides enough drums to establish the main patterns cleanly, and enough additional percussion to create a clear, balanced, overall pleasing timbre.

Richard McKerron