Home > World Music > SEN Support – Kenkeni Drums download
Product Code: TS-Sken-d

SEN Support – Kenkeni Drums download

Age 3 - 18+

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Everything was very satisfactory.

Rachael Sharp
Wakefield Music Services Wakefield Council

Our drums are amazing and the children love them. We are just about to start a drum club and plan to perform to parents at the end of the summer term. Thank you for your support.

Jude Moseley
The Learning Academy Trust

We were very pleased with the service and the instruments.

Jane Pryke
Adults and Family Wellbeing, Buckinghamshire County Council

We love our new drums, and the customisation looks amazing!

Lucy Bloore
Fram College

This pack has specially selected drums in three different sizes allowing for a good balanced sound between the different tones of each size drum.

Andy Gleadhill